Timestamp field in Elasticsearch

Consider the following scenario, that you want to know when a specific document is added to Elasticsearch. In initial versions of Elasticsearch, each document contained a meta field named @timestamp that contained information about the date the document was indexed.

However, it is currently impossible to tell when a document was added to Elasticsearch. There are two methods for achieving this.

  • From the Application level, you can add time to each document.

  • To add time to each document, use the ingest pipeline. To do that, follow the instructions below:

    Steps to add timestamp field in each document using Ingest pipeline

  • Ingest pipeline is created as depicted below. There are 3 processors in the ingest pipeline :

  1. The timestamp field's value for "ingest.timestamp" is set using the set processor command.
    NOTE: ingest.timestamp stores the time at which the document is added in Elasticsearch. The time is in this format 2022-11-12T07:48:45.760165787Z

  2. The timestamp can be changed to Epoch time by a script processor.

  3. The timestamp field can be removed by the delete processor. Since, according to the script, now @timestamp stores the epoch time.

PUT /_ingest/pipeline/ts-pipeline
   "description": "Add timestamp field to all documents",
   "processors": [
           "set": {
               "field": "timestamp",
               "value": "{{_ingest.timestamp}}"
           "script": {
           "remove": {
               "field": "timestamp"
  • The following script is used by the script processor to change the timestamp from date format to epoch format.

  •   DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(\"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS'Z'\"); LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.parse(ctx['timestamp'], dtf); ZonedDateTime zdt = ldt.atZone(ZoneId.of('Z')); ctx['@timestamp']=zdt.toInstant().toEpochMilli();
      When documents are indexed, @timestamp the field is added to each document (in epoch format)

    Working Example

  • Using the previously created ingest pipeline, add a document to the index.

  •   POST timestamp-test/_doc/1?pipeline=ts-pipeline

    Retrieve the added document using the Get API

  •   GET /timestamp-test/_doc/1
          "_index": "timestamp-test",
          "_id": "1",
          "_version": 1,
          "_seq_no": 0,
          "_primary_term": 1,
          "found": true,
          "_source": {
              "city": "indore",
              "timestamp": "2022-11-12T07:48:45.760165787Z"

    You'll notice that Elasticsearch has added a new field called @timestamp that contains the time the document was added.